If you're the creative type and like to draw using the computer, ArtRage 4 is an exceptional tool. Some features need explaining: There are a few options and buttons within the program that could be explained more clearly. This lets you put an image behind your canvas that you can trace as you desire.

For instance, when you apply a paint roller over the top of a watercolor, the watercolor continues to bleed through, until you paint over it in multiple coats.Įxtra features: A number of great extra features are also included, such as the Trace option. Great element interaction: The program does an excellent job of making the different tools interact together. There are no menus or radial buttons to sort through, so you're quickly drawing with your preferred instrument. Outstanding tool customization interface: Two wheels at the bottom of your screen allow you to control everything, from the type of tool that you're using to the color and size of that tool.

ArtRage 4 gives you intuitive and comprehensive control over your drawing tools, allowing your creativity to take the lead.